Monthly Archives: April 2013

Senator Bolo Tie?

I heard today that Senator Max Baucus of Montana is retiring. Rumors are swirling that former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer might run. Why is this exciting? Aside from Virginia’s Tim Kaine, famous for his eyebrow, few Senators have a compelling visual that is instantly identifiable. Brian Schweitzer? Photo by Bob Brigham He loves bolo ties. […]

Virginia Tech: How do you photograph who isn’t there anymore?

Today is the 6th anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre. I grew up in Virginia, and one of the victims, Leslie Sherman, graduated from my high school. I also won’t forget one photo assignment I had as an intern on Greg Werkheiser’s campaign for Delegate in 2009, two years after the Virginia Tech shooting. This […]

How Top Two Primaries Will Crush Montana Grassroots (From Both Parties)

Top-two primaries might seem to be more open on the surface, but they are a corruption of the primary process that gives party bosses more control, not less control over who runs for office. They strongly incentivize reducing the number of candidates, which violates the entire purpose of opening up the nomination process. Chaos in […]

PHOTOS: Florida College Democrats Convention 2013

Florida College Democrats from all over the state came to the University of Florida in Gainesville to elect new officers, hear trainings, and schmooze. Gainesville City Councilman Thomas Hawkins. Convention delegates at the Swamp. Florida Democratic Party Deputy Communications Director Eric Conrad delivering a communications training. UF College Democrats treasurer Will Mazotta and an FCD […]