Author Archives: Kenton Ngo

Disgraceful Duncan Hunter, amoral disloyalty that transcends Democrat or Republican.

I reserve a singular, unwavering loathing of indicted Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), above and beyond opposition on mere policy grounds. The putrid stench of this grifting, racist, silver-spoon dynasty child must be purged from Congress and sent to court for swift justice. I have donated from my personal funds to the underdog campaign of Ammar […]

Five Trump Cabinet Nominations as Explained by the Simpsons

Rick Perry – Energy Betsy DeVos – Education Steve Mnuchin – Treasury Wilbur Ross – Commerce Rex Tillerson – State

On Eggplant

Chinese cold eggplant. Done properly, it’s richly flavored firm, chilled eggplant with soy sauce paste with a hint of spiciness. Eggplant has a nutty flavor that can be coaxed out with care. If you were at the first dinner party where I tried to make this and overcooked the eggplant into mush, I apologize. Go […]

The Figure-Ground of Race in Washington, DC

This map shows building footprints of Washington, DC, Arlington, VA, and Alexandria, VA, which together cover what used to be the ten miles square of the original District of Columbia. Each census block is colored in by its predominant race. Some of the gray areas are unpopulated office or landmark buildings that you’ll likely recognize, […]

Southwest Virginia: The Fall of Warner Country

Virginia Senator Mark Warner (D) is the face of a dying breed — the Democrat who could win Southwest Virginia. Last Tuesday, former Republican National Committee chair Ed Gillespie was unable to take the Senate seat from Warner, but Gillespie was able to wipe out Warner Country. The signs have been there for over two decades. The […]

The Pilfering Pelicans of Cedar Key

The pelican is a peculiar creature. Cedar Key, Florida, a sleepy vestige of Old Florida on the Gulf of Mexico about an hour southwest of Gainesville, is home to the smartest and stupidest pelicans in the world. The smart pelicans have learned to quietly hover around the fishing docks and wait to be fed, or […]

Christie at the Bridge, a poem.

The outlook was quite brilliant for the Jersey Rs that day, The polls stood two to one with barely six weeks left to play But Chris Christie came to town and asked for an embrace, A sickly silence fell upon the Fort Lee’s mayor’s face. And now vindictive rage came hurtling through the air, And […]