Happy Birthday T-Mac: Ken Cuccinelli Talking to an Elephant

Former DNC chairman and current candidate for Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe turns 56 today. My birthday gift to him is reposting this video from 2007 of his Republican opponent, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, telling a toy elephant that he needs some help.

Cuccinelli’s team released this video as part of a fundraising pitch while he was a State Senator running for re-election to his Fairfax County seat, but quickly took this video down. (Earlier in his political career, his newsletter, the “Cuccinelli Compass”, did a very accurate job of reflecting the man’s slight quirkiness. This personality trait served him well as it helped to balance out his strident conservatism.) Unfortunately for him, I was able to rip it off YouTube after it had been deleted: back in the day, YouTube didn’t clear deleted videos off their server as quickly as they do now.

Happy Birthday to the Macker! Right, Ron?

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